• Welcome to Focus on Photography

    Hello. I created this forum so photographers would have a friendly place to share their love of photography and their images.
    I set up categories and forums, started some threads and posted some images, resources and interesting articles.
    You are most welcome to join me by registering but you can also post as a guest.
    Either way, I hope to see you on the board!



No, not at the moment.

But there is a slight hiccup elsewhere, caused by the add-on (I tested that) and not related to the actual display of metadata. But I have informed her of this development (get it: development?;haha; ) and am waiting for a reply. At least this is now solved. Phew.
A little update.

The problem with Jan's pictures with the exif missing the lens and the ISO has not been fixed by what I did. It did improve things though as the metadata is now shown in the browser extension tool where it didn't before. At least on my Mac in xIFr this is fixed, for newly uploaded pics that is, it doesn't change what is already on the site.

Hopefully the missing exif can be fixed too at some point. It's being worked on as we speak.
Missing forum and Exify exif with Flickr photos (while visible on Flickr) was already a problem on FoPforum.
Missing forum and Exify exif with Flickr photos (while visible on Flickr) was already a problem on FoPforum.

The site won't be able to do anything with Flickr photos because they never touch this server. They're displayed here, but they're still being served from Flickr. So, unfortunately, that's an issue that only Flickr can fix, and I doubt it bothers them much if external sites don't have access to the EXIF data on photos hosted on their site.
The site won't be able to do anything with Flickr photos because they never touch this server. They're displayed here, but they're still being served from Flickr. So, unfortunately, that's an issue that only Flickr can fix, and I doubt it bothers them much if external sites don't have access to the EXIF data on photos hosted on their site.
Flickr doesn't like its images to be proxied, that's for sure. You have to bypass it for them or else nothing will load. And even then you will get red crosses at times.
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