I agree with Levina, Garden Birds are those that are not in the wild, rather in your yard, a local park or in the city or town. You may or may not see "the hand of man" which would get the image kicked out of most nature competitions. basically not everyone can or wants to go out into the wild. There are places where people feed the birds.
Garden birds to me are the ones you see around you all the time, Sparrows, pigeons, robins, woodpeckers etc. I wouldn't consider a hawk a garden bird even if it was in the garden feasting on a sparrow.
Birds that have their own category should probably first go in that category but could fit in here.
Levina I wonder if the title of the thread should be changed from Garden Birds to something like "Garden, Yard, Town and City Birds - Post Yours" or something like that
Barcelona 1976 Ektachrome and man feeding Seagulls (which around here are super common due to the Atlantic Ocean not being far away, see them at the local mall more than pigeons.
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