• Welcome to Focus on Photography

    Focus on Photography is a friendly photography forum for sharing images and discussing photography.
    Come join our growing community. The site is free and there are no ads. We hope to see you on the board!

  • Come join our weekly WET photo competition. The theme this week: Reflections

Blea Tarn


New member
21 January 2025


Iake district UK.​
Thank you, Mike! One of your members recommended Focus to folks looking for a new forum with Dgrin (Digital Grin) shutting down soon.

Well I'm glad they did. Hopefully y'all will find a cozy new home here, or at least a fun spot to come visit from time to time. @Levina is doing a great job of running this site, so far, from what I can tell. I'm just happy to be a part of it. Again, welcome to the site. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you, Mike! One of your members recommended Focus to folks looking for a new forum with Dgrin (Digital Grin) shutting down soon.
That's sad. It's hard on a community when the site shuts down. We went through that with our own forum of 22 years, a year ago.

Your group is welcome to join us here, Gretchen. You are free to start your own threads and your own games here. On flick I saw mention of a mini game? Just start it up here.

See you on the board?
Hi Levina, thank you for invitation to start games here that we enjoyed on Dgrin. One of them was an Alphabet game, and I see that you have an Alphabet challenge going here, too.
Yes, it seems alphabet games are liked and played everywhere. I like them too. :D
If you have a different variant of the game, you can play that too. There's room for more alphabet games. We had two different ones on the old forum. But most forums will have similar games. In the end it's probably the feel of a forum that will make someone decide to stick around or not.

As you can see, we are new and a community in the making although most members come from the old forum and know one another. But the forum is new and we can shape it any way we want to. Although this is my site I want this to be an endeavour that we all contribute to and have something to say about. Your contributions and those of your Dgrin group would be most welcome. But if you would prefer to choose a more established forum for your group to migrate to, I would understand that too.

Moving house is always difficult.
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