• Welcome to Focus on Photography

    Hello. I created this forum so photographers would have a friendly place to share their love of photography and their images.
    I set up categories and forums, started some threads and posted some images, resources and interesting articles.
    You are most welcome to join me by registering but you can also post as a guest.
    Either way, I hope to see you on the board!



  1. fotoi

    Look Down - Post Your Photos

    On the Aegean Sea, Greece.
  2. CraigMcM

    Abandoned/Dilapidated/Ruins == post 'em here

    Former regional psychiatric hospital in Northville, MI, USA. No longer standing.
  3. CraigMcM

    Canon EOS 5D Mk IV == Post and comment

    I just love the camera's image quality, and how easily it can be used with vintage lenses.
  4. IMG_0500-COPY-1-WEB$.webp


  5. fotoi

    Post Your Best B&W Photos

    Queen's House, Greenwich, England.
  6. 20140801_5D_003.webp


  7. Levina

    Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM

    How about a thread for an old lens. It was my birding lens for about 8 years I think. Brilliant lens, light weight, quick to focus and sharp. I took this shot for POTN's gear database, late 2013.
  8. Levina

    Light Painting!

    I experimented with light painting a few years ago, for tabletop photography. It was a lot of trial and error but some came out fairly nice I think. Like these shoes.
  9. Levina

    Canon RF 100-500mm f/4.5-7.1L IS USM

    One of the great Canon lenses for the new mirrorless R mount. Perfect for birds and wildlife. Great egret
  10. Levina

    The Sunrise thread

  11. Levina

    Special techniques

    A flickr friend once posted images like these and when I asked how she got the reflections on both the subject and below it she challenged me to find out. What followed was a long evening of experimenting with a glass plate, a colourful piece of cloth and a couple of flashes placed...
  12. Focus Staff

    Ben's Newbie Guide to Photography

    This guide was written by Ben Fried and posted on 29 November 2007 on POTN but the principles in it have not changed. Ben's POTN avatar and User Data He wrote: Ben's Newbie Guide to Digital SLR Photography Part 1 - Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO First and foremost, we need to cover the 3...
  13. Levina

    The Official Gear List Thread

    Since we don't have a gear database on Focus on Photography and only a limited space to put gear in our profiles, I thought it a good idea to recreate a thread for it. The idea is to post your gear in it and edit your post when it needs updating after buying and/or selling gear. You can then put...
  14. Levina

    Tourists in our own reality: Susan Sontag's Photography at 50

    Tourists in our own reality: Susan Sontag’s Photography at 50 by: Andrew Milne This year marks 50 years since Susan Sontag’s essay Photography was published in the New York Review of Books. Slightly edited and renamed In Plato’s Cave, it would become the first essay in her collection On...
  15. Levina

    How to create a Tiny Planet

    Levina submitted a new resource: How to create a Tiny Planet - Tiny Planets are easy to make and fun! Read more about this resource...
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