• Welcome to Focus on Photography

    Hello. I created this forum so photographers would have a friendly place to share their love of photography and their images.
    I set up categories and forums, started some threads and posted some images, resources and interesting articles.
    You are most welcome to join me by registering but you can also post as a guest.
    Either way, I hope to see you on the board!



  1. Cabbage_white.jpg


  2. Cabbage_white.jpg


  3. Bee in flight.jpg

    Bee in flight.jpg

  4. pcs

    Dragonflies and Damselflies

    Broad bodied chaser:
  5. pcs


    Some from last year to start(Buff ermine, Red admiral, Box tree moth, Brimstone moth and Light emerald)
  6. Archibald

    Bugs from the Urquhart Butterfly Garden

    Urquhart was the scientist who discovered where Monarch Butterflies overwinter. There is a small urban park named after him in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The park has lots of bugs but very few butterflies. Here are some bug shots from last summer at this park. Broad Centurion Fly, Chloromyia...
  7. J

    Butterflies and moths

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