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Where should architecture/buildings be posted?


11 January 2025
Image Editing
  1. Yes
I can't decide between "Man-made structures" or "Urban" categories?

Specifically, I want to begin a thread for abandon/decay/ruins.
I agree, Craig, I think abandon/decay/ruins fits best in Urban.

I thought Man-made structures for just your normal buildings, bridges, towers. But I saw people posting those already happily in Urban too. :LOL:
Maybe I should do away with Man-made structures and bring back the traditional Architecture and Real Estate forums? I could also put those as sub-forums of Man-made structures.

I'm open to all ideas and suggestions. Whatever works best for our, as yet small, community.
Didn't you have them in sub-forums first? I vaguely remember something like that. Man-made Structures > Real Estate / Architecture / and something else. Buildings ???
I started with the traditional entry: Architecture, Real Estate and Buildings.
Then changed that into: Man-made Structures with three sub-forums: Architecture, Real Estate, Buildings.
Then removed the sub-forums, thinking it could all go under the one heading.

But maybe not.

I'll change the name Man-made Structures back to Architecture, Real Estate and Buildings. People are familiar with that.
I changed the name back to the more familiar.

But I still think that a thread for abandoned/decay/ruins belongs in Urban.
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