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I'm still thinking of buying the R5 mark II. Should I or should I wait? I BOUGHT IT!!!


Staff member
24 December 2024
Image Editing
  1. No
I'm still thinking about it: getting the R5m2.

Panamoz in the UK sells them for € 3760 which is a little over 1000 euro less than buying it local (€ 4799).

Or have I waited too long and should I wait for a possible R7 mark II?
Although I believe that is still just a rumour, right? It hasn't been confirmed by Canon yet.

I have the R6 mark II and I am very happy with that camera. It's brilliant. But I would like to have more megapixels.

What do you think?
I have a R5m2 for almost 2 months now. I feel it is a great camera and I feel the AF has improved over the R5 (or original R6). Reasons I made the step towards the R5m2 while owning (2 R5's):
  • Opportunity to acquire a R5m2. I had been looking at it, but costs versus the upgrades on paper were holding me back. End of year I got an opportunity to get one in a for me attractive proposal.
  • A few months ago I found a (sort of affordable) 400mm f2.8. Downside being it a version 1, which does not support full FPS in mechanical shutter on R5 and R6. For my sports shooting (rugby) I often follow play, which made some rolling shutter visible in part of my shots (rugby posts, fences or dug-outs). The R5m2 has faster electronic shutter reducing rolling shutter, which was my main reason to consider the R5m2.
  • The pre-capture on my R7, although implemented less user-friendly, was useful at times and having that on my main body was nice.
  • The flexible AF-zones that were on the R7 had some usefulness at times (though not for the majority of my shooting), so that was nice to have.
  • Ability of a sound for electronic shutter. I had it on my R7, but not on my R5 or R6. For me some audible feedback is very nice to have. When I switch to my other camera during rugby and it is in electronic shutter, it is more difficult to tell I'm actually shooting if the one of the two is complete silent. My first reaction is thinking it is not shooting, until I realize it is silent. The option to have a sound in ES does make life a bit easier/ nicer.
With the R5m2 on the market, there are also R5's on the second hand market, in the Netherlands they go around €2200-ish, so for the megapixels that could be a nice option. The AF is no slouch and pretty good. You are mostly a bird photographer, so a bit faster sensor readout, a bit better AF and the pre-capture option can be worthwhile to go for R5m2 over the R5m1.
A second hand R5m1 may go together with the R7m2 (when in comes out), for the same budget as the R5m2 new.

If you go R5m2 I expect you will not use your R6m2 much (When I got a second R5, I hardly used the R6 anymore). With Panamoz there is no trade-in, but selling it second hand yourself will get you a better price likely than trading it in at a Dutch camera shop, where the R5m2 is about € 4800.
Well, we talked about it before but
-waiting for a rumoured camera? as soon as it's out there are rumours about the next one
-does the R5II have something useful you need and/or want?
-do you have enough spare money to buy one without having to economise elsewhere?
-what are you waiting for?:p

And Panamoz is reliable and a lot cheaper so a no-brainer.
@Jan1977 and @pcs

You both have some good points.

I didn't know, Jan, that you bought yours only 2 months ago. That's good to know because if you got the R5m2 just now, so can I.
As to buying an R5 used, that is an option that I have considered, especially since the dynamic range is better at lower ISO speeds. But I hardly ever shoot below ISO 800 with these cameras so it's not relevant for me. And I want the better AF.

As to your questions, Patrick: the R5II has the megapixels that I would love to have. And yes, I am well off financially and can buy it, no problem. And you are right that no matter what you buy, you're always lagging behind with the next best thing just around the corner.

If it turns out that I wouldn't be using the R6m2 any more after getting the R5m2, I would sell it on Marktplaats. I did that with the R6 too. I had never traded in gear before and the shops were not offering a lot. KE was the worst. I had bought the R6 there and was going to buy the R6m2 there too. They offered 1100 euro. That was embarrassingly low I thought. Cameranu offered 1500 and Cameraland 1600. I then tried to sell it on Marktplaats for 1800. It was gone for that price the same day.

I bought the RF 100L Macro from Panamoz recently. That went very well. The shop has a very good reputation. I would buy the R5m2 from them too. Saves me 1000 euro. That is a lot of money on just one camera. It really is a no-brainer.

I'm going to do it.

Thank you both for your input!
Levina, you've been wanting to get that camera for months and months. Just do it. Even if you couldn't get out with it much, it doesn't matter. You can still shoot from home. More megapixels will be a godsend for you. Go get it.
Little update.

The camera came today! It took some time charging the battery. By the time it was charged and I had set everything the way I think it needs to be set it was too late to go out, so I took some shots from home at birds flying by: gulls of course, a wood pigeon, mallards.

I don't know what the shots will look like, but I am already in love with this camera. AF seems just that bit better than on the R6m2. And tracking is better. I also think it finds the eye better than the R6m2 does. But these are just my first impressions, shooting from my bedroom window which faces the canal and tons of birds.

I'm downloading the files to my Mac right now. Exciting! :grdudes:
Little update.

The camera came today! It took some time charging the battery. By the time it was charged and I had set everything the way I think it needs to be set it was too late to go out, so I took some shots from home at birds flying by: gulls of course, a wood pigeon, mallards.

I don't know what the shots will look like, but I am already in love with this camera. AF seems just that bit better than on the R6m2. And tracking is better. I also think it finds the eye better than the R6m2 does. But these are just my first impressions, shooting from my bedroom window which faces the canal and tons of birds.

I'm downloading the files to my Mac right now. Exciting! :grdudes:
It has been almost 3 hours now... hope that is not a bad sign ;) Maybe the 30 FPS let you shoot so many that you have a hard time culling a nice one for this thread :brgrin:
It has been almost 3 hours now... hope that is not a bad sign ;) Maybe the 30 FPS let you shoot so many that you have a hard time culling a nice one for this thread :brgrin:
LOL No, it's a good sign. Well, it's not actually because I had to update DPP first as the version that I had couldn't read the files. And apparently my version of Lightroom is also outdated and needs to be updated. I will do that in a bit. And I cooked dinner and just finished eating it.

But the shots that I took of the fly by's show that it is an excellent camera and I am real happy with my purchase. I'll look at the files later (have to do the dishes first - yes, that' important too...). I'll post some shots later. They're just gulls and pigeons and such, so nothing exciting. Oh, I can also add something to the Garden/city birds thread then. That's an idea.

I'll be back later!
OMG! I love the files! I was so afraid I would be disappointed because of the high pixel density, but the files are pretty awesome. I love them. I'll post something later. I'm just looking now and enjoying the view! :lolz:
LOL Impatient, are we?

I processed a few shots. I must say the files are different than the files from the R6m2. There's more wiggle room, for lack of a better term. And colours seem to be richer. Anyway, it will take me some time to get used to it. I always have that when switching to a new camera. It seems that every one has different files that I have to get used to.

Wood pigeon
Wood Pigeon in flight.jpg

Mallard drake. The wing is a bit dodgy but the head is sharp. I chose this one over others because the background was the nicest.
Mallard Drake in flight .jpg
Looks like you already got the hang of it!
Thanks. Yeah, shooting it is not that different from shooting my R6m2. The files are different though and I have to get used to that, learn how to best process them. I like my images to kinda have light tones, but these colours are rather phat! :lolz: I'll learn.

The cropability is insane! The one thing I was afraid of didn't happen. I was afraid that I would get a repeat of the R7: tons of noise. That's not the case, although the above shots were taken at ISO 800 and that's not very high. But the ones at higher ISO look good as well. So that was a big relief.

I think I will sell the R6m2 now... :cool:
Very nice! Looked at the R5ii just can't justify it, also waiting on the R6iii and R7ii
Thanks, Jeff! Well, took me long enough. It is expensive though, 4799 euro here. But I bought it from a shop in the UK for 3760 euro, so it was over 1000 euro less expensive (the shop is Hong Kong based). That made a big difference for me for sure.

I only took some test shots today but very very pleased with the camera.

I know you're waiting on the R6m3 and R7m2. Especially the R7m2 I think. And I totally get that. But are we actually sure it is coming? Or is it still just rumoured?
I'm not sure why you are waiting for a R6m3 though. What do you miss in the mark 2?
Thanks, Jeff! Well, took me long enough. It is expensive though, 4799 euro here. But I bought it from a shop in the UK for 3760 euro, so it was over 1000 euro less expensive (the shop is Hong Kong based). That made a big difference for me for sure.

I only took some test shots today but very very pleased with the camera.

I know you're waiting on the R6m3 and R7m2. Especially the R7m2 I think. And I totally get that. But are we actually sure it is coming? Or is it still just rumoured?
I'm not sure why you are waiting for a R6m3 though. What do you miss in the mark 2?

Really no reason to get one as the only difference I can see is that there might be a little better low light performance, but not by much. I mainly want to see what it will be in real life, may even rent one just to see.
The R7ii, yup not sure if it is coming. I am getting better with the R7, shoot in better light and keep the ISO down below 3200, I am using the R6ii more and more.

I actually may rent an R5ii to check it out. Would the 45 mp make it able to be cropped to mimic the R7? On the R6ii I use the horizontal wheel where the on/off switch is to control EV amounts, on the R5ii is that wheel assignable? I really like being able to quickly adjust the EV
I actually may rent an R5ii to check it out. Would the 45 mp make it able to be cropped to mimic the R7?
The R5m2 files are 8192 x 5464 pixels whereas files from the R7 I had are 6960 x 4640, so the R5m2 files have more pixels.
Whether they can be cropped to mimic the R7, I have no idea. I'm too stupid for that. Maybe others can chime in.

On the R6ii I use the horizontal wheel where the on/off switch is to control EV amounts, on the R5ii is that wheel assignable? I really like being able to quickly adjust the EV
That's Exposure Compensation, right? Yes, you can set that on the horizontal wheel.
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