• Welcome to Focus on Photography

    Focus on Photography is a friendly photography forum for sharing images and discussing photography.
    Come join our growing community. The site is free and there are no ads. We hope to see you on the board!

Forum Rules

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Staff member
24 December 2024
Image Editing
  1. No
This is Focus-on-Photography.net, an international forum for sharing images and discussing all things photography. Here we strive to create a welcoming platform where our members can discuss, debate, and exchange ideas, and learn from one another. And of course share images. From the person who just bought their first camera to the seasoned professional, everybody is welcome here. The site is free of charge and there are no ads. We also don't track people, although be aware that external hosts, such as Flickr, SmugMug, YouTube etc. may want to set tracking cookies before you can view their content. You can turn these on and off, that is entirely up to you.

These are our forum rules:

Conditions of Use:

By registering on Focus on Photography and posting as a member you are agreeing to the following:
  • When posting something, you are giving permission to the staff of Focus on Photography to store all your content (comments and images), present it for public viewing, backup messages/images, delete or modify them (like changing names of images from a nondescript camera name to something the search engines can index, which will increase our visibility).
  • The photographer will at all times retain all copyright for images posted on Focus on Photography.
  • Focus on Photography is not responsible for the content of any messages or images posted.
  • You will only post images for which you have legal copyright (images you took or have had copyright granted).
  • All messages represent the views of the author and do not represent anyone at Focus on Photography.
  • Focus on Photography respects your privacy. Any metrics that are gathered are for the forum's internal use and will not be shared externally to third parties. However, know that if you accept Third Party cookies (in order to view embedded content from other sites), those sites (like flickr, Smugmug or YouTube) may set cookies their own cookies. Some may track you. This is beyond our control. It is your choice to accept these cookies or to refuse them.
Forum Rules:

Focus on Photography is an international forum dedicated to everything related to image capture and display. As such we have the following rules that we ask all to abide by. Failing to do so can lead to post removal, temporary suspension, or being permanently banned from the forum. The rules are simple and a matter of common sense. They are as follows.

  • Keep things photography related in all forums other than the Chatroom.
  • No political, religious, nationalistic, harassing posts, threatening posts and/or posts that contain racism, sexism or ageism, profanity, personal attacks, or unwanted criticism (be nice to people!).
  • Images of death as part of nature (predator/prey) are allowed. Images of death or cruelty caused by humans (hunting/animal fighting etc.) are not and will be removed.
  • No brand or gear shaming/bashing.
  • Posts promoting or sharing views of a conspiratorial nature will be deleted (this is not the platform for it).
  • Images for which you do not have legal copyright must be posted as a link (don’t post other people’s pictures as your own).
  • If you copy content from another source, you must post a link to the content and credit the originator.
  • Do not lead people away from the forum to view your images elsewhere. This is considered a type of forum spam and is not allowed.
  • Posting any private information about another member will get you banned.
  • Impersonating another member will get you banned.
  • No Online Stalking or doxing. These posts/threads will be removed.
  • No multiple accounts.
  • No advertising for goods or services are allowed in comments, except in the Marketplace. Posts that do so in other sections of the forum will be removed. Relevant links to an external retail website are allowed of course.
  • Do not promote your business by adding your business name in an image title and in tags. This too is considered advertisement and is not allowed. The same is true for profile banners and user names: keep them add free so don't use your business name as your user name.
  • User names cannot be your business name.
  • A link to your your site or business in your signature or in the “About” section in your profile is allowed as well as a short description of what your site or business is about. Keep it short without a promotional text.
  • Any member who feels that a particular post is objectionable can contact a forum Moderator or report the post by clicking the appropriate “report” button. Do not moderate other members yourself.
  • Members are not allowed to publicly criticize and/or discuss moderation. You are allowed to do so by PM or by using the “report” option.
  • Going off-topic. Discussions can head in unintended directions. Try and stay on-topic especially early in the thread.
  • Keep in mind that this is a multi-cultural forum and English is a second or third language for many members. Pointing out grammatical mistakes is frowned upon.
  • Illegal downloads, services, or linking to sites which encourage piracy is not allowed.

Be nice and use common sense!
Note: Guests can post replies but these posts need to be approved by a moderator first.
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