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  • Come join our weekly WET photo competition. The theme this week: Reflections


  1. Bryan Pereira

    Spotted Some Prey

    Distant gazelle caught this cheetahs eye, but it decided not to pursue... this time D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm, 1/2500 f4 iso 400 Big Cats Photo Safari, E Africa
  2. Bryan Pereira

    Leopard Playing in Grass

    Just by chance and totally unprepared I come across this leopard happily rolling in the grass 5 minutes from my camp. Almost missed the scene and just happened to look down by the vehicle. D810 80 to 200 2.8 170mm 1/200 2.8 iso 360 East Africa Photo safari
  3. Bryan Pereira

    Big male leopard

    Split nose D850 300mm f5.6 1/1250 iso 200 Mara. It took some maneuvering but this big guy came straight up to me managed to get some video and wide shoots in the landscape too. The image crops quite well in a vertical format as well.
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