• Welcome to Focus on Photography

    Focus on Photography is a friendly photography forum for sharing images and discussing photography.
    Come join our growing community. The site is free and there are no ads. We hope to see you on the board!

  • Come join our weekly WET photo competition. The theme this week: Portraits of Photographers at Work

mini planet

  1. Tiny Planet.webp

    Tiny Planet.webp

  2. Tiny Planet.webp

    Tiny Planet.webp

  3. Tiny Planet.webp

    Tiny Planet.webp

  4. Levina

    How to create a Tiny Planet

    Creating a Tiny Planet in Photoshop (or GIMP) is easy to do. And they're fun. Here are the steps. Step 1: the image Tiny Planets work best with panoramas, but can also be done with just a few images as long as the width is at least twice the height. Wider is better though and the very best...
  5. Levina

    How to create a Tiny Planet

    Levina submitted a new resource: How to create a Tiny Planet - Tiny Planets are easy to make and fun! Read more about this resource...
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