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  • This week's WET competition is now closed. Voting time. Every one can vote. Vote your #1, #2 and #3 choice. That's all. Reflections

astro photography

  1. Jeff WX1USN

    Astrophotography equipment and techniques and questions

    I decided to start a thread about astro imaging equipment techniques and cameras, basically for any questions. I may not be able to answer them but others might or we can point you in the right direction. I have an array of telescopes and cameras that I use for Astro and Solar imaging. I have...
  2. Jeff WX1USN

    Star Clusters - Globular and Open - post your images of clusters

    Clusters are seen in several forms, Open where the associated stars are spread out, Tight is it sounds a group of stars near each other, and Globular a "ball" of stars often looking like a Christmas Tree ornament, they can have hundreds of thousands of stars in the globular. This is M45 a open...
  3. Jeff WX1USN

    Galaxy Thread - Post your images of galaxies

    Being an avid astro photographer I am starting several astro photo threads to showcase everyones images. They don't have to be anything special and can be taken with any type of equipment. This is the Galaxy thread where we will showcase galaxies Here is M51 known as the Whirlpool Galaxy...
  4. fotoi

    Our Moon - post your photos

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